Sunday, April 22, 2012

Blogging Begins

Hello and Happy Earth Day!  Today is one of the first days that is has actually felt like April here in Washington, DC.  It is in the 50s and raining... a perfectly lazy and expected Sunday in April.

Rain... hence why I am sitting inside and finally have found some time to start this blog I have been dreaming up the past few weeks.  For those who don't know me, I am a 20-something female who graduated from the University of Virginia a few years ago and has been living in DC and working in the big 4 public accounting world since then.  Besides excel spreadsheets, statistical sampling, and financial statement auditing, my interests include running, yoga, cooking/baking, and exploring my world that is Washington DC (What I affectionately have coined 'urban backpacking.'  More on this later).  This blog is meant to document my adventures (and mishaps) in the aforementioned interest areas, and reflect on my experiences in life so far.

I also plan to share some insight into the life of an auditor.  I know, something you all are REAL interested in, but hear me out.  It seems to me that so many bloggers out there either 1) don't have a day job (i.e. blogging is their job) or 2) have a day job that is artsy/creative in nature.  You don't find too many lifestyle blogs written by corporate pencil pushers, computer engineers, or what have you.  And contrary to public conception, I think my job and the people I work with are awesome, and that you can be creative/worldly even if your job description does not explicitly state so.  Even auditors can be interesting and funny, and I promise to prove that in this blog =)

So there we have it folks, blog is officially open for business!  Peace out.
